The Lemmatizer API

The Lemmatizer class converts words from their inflected form to their base form. The class aggregates dictionary based lookup and rule based lemmatization, including the nerual-network models used to select the appropriate rules. It is implemented as a singleton that is instantiated for the first time when you call any of its methods from lemminflect.


Usage as a library

> from lemminflect import getLemma, getAllLemmas, getAllLemmasOOV, isTagBaseForm
> getLemma('watches', upos='VERB')

> getAllLemmas('watches')
{'NOUN': ('watch',), 'VERB': ('watch',)}

> getAllLemmasOOV('xatches', 'NOUN')
{'NOUN': ('xatch',)}

> isTagBaseForm('JJ')

Usage as a entension to spaCy

> import lemminflect
> import spacy
> nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
> doc = nlp('I am testing this example.')
> doc[2]._.lemma()



getLemma(word, upos, lemmatize_oov=True)

This methods aggregates getAllLemmas and getAllLemmasOOV. It first tries to find the lemma using the dictionary based lookup. If no forms are available, it then tries to find the lemma using the rules system. If a Penn Tag is available, it is best practice to first call isTagBaseForm (below), and only call this function if that is False. Doing this will eliminate potentials errors from lemmatizing a word already in lemma form.


  • word: word to lemmatize
  • upos: Universal Dependencies part of speech the return is limited to
  • lemmatize_oov: Allow the method to use the rules based lemmatizer for words not in the dictionary


getAllLemmas(word, upos=None)

Returns lemmas for the given word. The format of the return is a dictionary where each key is the upos tag and the value is a tuple of possible spellings.


  • word: word to lemmatize
  • upos: Universal Dependencies part of speech tag the returned values are limited to


getAllLemmasOOV(word, upos)

Similar to getAllLemmas except that the rules system is used for lemmatization, instead of the dictionary. The return format is the same as well.


  • word: word to lemmatize
  • upos: Universal Dependencies part of speech tag the returned values are limited to



Returns True or False if the Penn Tag is a lemma form. This is useful since lemmatizing a lemma can lead to errors. The upos tags used in the above methods don't have enough information to determine this, but the Penn tags do.


  • tag Penn Treebank tag

Spacy Extension

Token._.lemma(form_num=0, lemmatize_oov=True, on_empty_ret_word=True)

The extension is setup in spaCy automatically when LemmInflect is imported. The above function defines the method added to Token. Internally spaCy passes the Token to a method in Lemmatizer which in-turn calls getLemma and then returns the specified form number (ie.. the first spelling). For words who's Penn tag indicates they are already in lemma form, the original word is returned directly.

  • form_num: When multiple spellings exist, this determines which is returned. The spellings are ordered from most common to least, as determined by a corpus unigram at the time the dictionary was created.
  • lemmatize_oov: Allows the method to use the rules based system for words not in the dictionary
  • on_empty_ret_word: If True and the word can not be lemmatized, return the original word. If False, return None. Note that many words like pronouns, nummbers, etc.. do not lemmatize.